Out of ideas for: C0000034 "The Boot Configuration Data file is missing some required information."

I have Windows 8 Pro x64 using UEFI boot and GPT partitions. I put it into hybernation when there was a text "Your PC will restart in 1 day to finish installing security updates" on welcome screen. Next day - it doesn't boot. It shows a light-blue screen:


Your PC needs to be repaired

The Boot Configuration Data file is missing some required information

File: \BCD

Error code: 0xc0000034

I have bootable USB with Windows 8. First, I tried to boot from it and "refresh" (i.e. install over existing copy). Automatic installation option refused to do anything, saying something like "you're running setup from installation media. Please, run your local Windows and re-run installation from there". Obviosly, I can't do that - because my installed Win8 refuses to run.

Next, I tried to manual install. This time it refuses to continue because "Can not install Windows on GPT partition" (WTF?).

When I failed refresh option - I tried to repair. All repair options available on menu (except from the one which says it will delete your files - I didn't tried it), all repair options either says that they can't find any issues or that disk with Windows is locked (I have no idea how it can be - I can freely access and modify disk's content after opening command-line).

My final hope was for command line and bcdboot. Running "bcdboot D:\Windows" (my system drive appears as D: when booting from USB flash) yields failure for copying files. However, "bcdboot D:\Windows /s C:" or "bcdboot D:\Windows /s D:" completes successfully. Unfortunately, these didn't help: the error remains the same. I also tries to add /f ALL and /f UEFI options, but these didn't work either.

Now I'm completely run out of ideas. The only option that I see is to re-format the disk and fresh-install Win8...

July 13th, 2013 7:03am

The Boot Configuration Data file is missing some required information

File: \BCD

Error code: 0xc0000034

Vista users apparently were plagued by this symptom.  Don't know how applicable its solution is to W8


More ideas in this thread (where I found that one, so again, from Vista)


 (Microsoft search for
    0xC0000034 bcd

Good luck


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July 13th, 2013 4:50pm

Any automatic "Repair your computer"-like options on installation media are unable to solve the problem. Perhaps, this is because they report system drive as locked? I don't get why it is locked and how can I unlock it?

Almost any manual command-line command that I run fails too. Error messages are too generic, but I think that commands are unable to locate BCD storage? Perhaps this has something to do with UEFI/GPT? There are 2 hidden partitions on my system drive (beside system partition itself): a 300 Mb "recover" partition, 100 Mb EFI, and the rest is visible partition. All manuals that I see refers to Vista/7 case and assumes that your boot files are located on system drive. Is it holds the same for UEFI/GPT? Wiki says that boot files are located on hidden EFI system partition. Could it be the reason why I can't figure out how to make it work from command-line?

July 13th, 2013 7:41pm

I don't get why it is locked and how can I unlock it?

Apparently it can get a Read-only attribute set on it.


(via BING search for
    "windows 8" installed drive locked unlock drive site:microsoft.com

So, for your case you would not  do the "clean" that that poster was advised  ; )

Almost any manual command-line command that I run fails too. Error messages are too generic, but I think that commands are unable to locate BCD storage? Perhaps this has something to do with UEFI/GPT? There are 2 hidden partitions on my system drive  (beside system partition itself): a 300 Mb "recover" partition, 100 Mb EFI, and the rest is visible partition. All manuals that I see refers to Vista/7 case and assumes that your boot files are located on system drive. Is it holds the same for UEFI/GPT? Wiki says that boot files are located on hidden EFI system partition. Could it be the reason why I can't figure out how to make it work from command-line?

I suspect the Read-only attribute is likely to be the more significant factor.  However, I should have thought about seeing if there was an update for that Vista tip.  Oops.

In any case Vista tips would probably have to be modified to adapt to UEFI and I'm not sure how to do that...

FWIW here's a W7 version of the above Support article which at least mentions UEFI.  This is the only hit for this search.  So since I didn't specify an OS I don't imagine finding one which is more specific to W8:


(Search Support for
    repair bcd uefi

Hope you can puzzle it out or wait for someone who is more knowledgeable about how to use these tools.

Good luck


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 13th, 2013 11:53pm

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